“Survivalist Prepper”
Survivalist Prepper requires extensive learning through various resources such as reading books.
There are books on Survivalist Prepper for every scenario from making it through apocalyptic doom to learning how to make questionable water safe to drink.
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Should we learn these skills and why is it Important?
Survivalist skills are techniques that a person may use to sustain life
In any natural environment or built environment.
Building a shelter in the woods
Fire, Food, and Urban survival are Important survival items:
Survivalist guides are meant to provide necessities for the sustenance of human life, such as water, food, and shelter.
See the below link for building a survival garden.
“Building a Survivalist Garden”
First and foremost try Planting vegetables that you like to eat especially easy-to-grow veggies such as:
Peas, Bush beans, Carrots, and Potatoes.
Furthermore, try to use open-pollinated seeds like heirloom seeds because they will continue to produce.
And as time goes by you will get more familiar with gardening.
Consider which crops will give you calories for the space and will store good. Practice growing Calorie rich crops
These include Potatoes Winter squash Corn Beans Sunflower seeds.
Survivalist Garden How To: Tips for Designing a Survivalist Garden.
Read more at Gardening Know How.
In addition to raising our children on the values of right and wrong,
we also need to consider incorporating basic survival skills in their upbringing which in turn teaches them.
Learning to be a survivalist will provide the necessities for the sustenance of human life, such as water, food, shelter, and so on.

Various Books available on Survival Techniques:
There are books available for beginner campers and offer “how-to’s that include advice on how to protect food from wild animals, construct a shelter, and how make a fire.
There are mid-level survival books that are more for the hardy, experienced survivalist. These books include chapters on finding food and fresh water in a wild habitat.
For the doomsday preppers, some books advise on what would be needed in the event of an apocalypse.
Dystopian survivors read about how to store non-perishable food for long periods, how to construct some sort of bunker, and what items are considered essential for survival.
When in a survival situation it’s important to keep a positive mindset. Be sure you’re able to stay calm and think things through panicking is one of the worst things you can do.
There is an Author named – Ron Foster
who has many books available. Each book focuses on different scenarios linked to various survival situations.
For example, say you are planning to go on a camping trip and you need to know what kinds of plants are edible and what kinds of plants you need to avoid.
You would probably need some short-term tips from a type of survival book, or one specifically designed for camping.
A medium-level book could include more difficult tactics, such as constructing a shelter without a tent or with premade materials, or how to disinfect water so it’s drinkable.
Survivalist Prepper
Some books are for a hobby survivalist, who might go on a wilderness survival trip for fun.
Nevertheless, is used to educate yourself on how to survive in the wild if you are ever stranded or lost somewhere.
The highest level of survival would encompass long-term survival and would be after a major natural disaster, say after an apocalyptic event, or to be self-reliant for any number of reasons.
These typically have in-depth information on how to survive long-term and what tools and supplies you need to do so. Chapters should include how to live sustainably and how to live “off-grid.”
Of course, there’s a plethora of survival books out there. From surviving the in-laws to surviving a relationship,
a narrowed down list to just those that are for true survivalists and adventurers.
The available survivalist books contain the most relevant tips and advice and they are written by some reliable and credible sources.
These books undoubtedly cover quite an extensive range of topics. So If you’re searching for a specific survival tactic there are great choices.
The Prepper’s Water Survivalist Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource will tell you all that needs to be known about how to gather, disinfect, and store water in survival situations.
Survival Medicine & First Aid: The Leading Prepper’s Guide to Survive Medical Emergencies in Tough Survival Situations focuses on medicine and first aid in a survival event. Each offers beneficial information on a narrow topic.
Why read a survivalist book at all?
Some may scoff at the chance of an apocalypse or a monsoon of a natural disaster, and neither one may ever happen.
But becoming lost while driving or traveling, or being stranded by a broken down car, are much more common scenarios.
Reading a survivalist book allows you to prepare for the unknown and the improbable. How does that saying go? “It’s better to be safe than sorry”.
Reading a Survivalist Prepper book can give you confidence in a worst-case scenario.
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