Claritox Pro – Bridging the Gap to Better Balance In Life

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What is Claritox Pro?

Claritox Pro is an Organic formula supplement that is used in support of preventing Vertigo.

The importance of maintaining balance and preventing dizziness. Claritox Pro is designed specifically to support brain health, providing much-needed nutrients that aim to improve focus, balance, and cognitive function. By addressing nutritional deficiencies.

Claritox Pro originator – Claritox Pro formula was created by a researcher from Memphis, Tennessee, who personally struggled with chronic vertigo. He was then driven by his desire to free himself of his dizziness that he set out to find a natural solution.

There are some factors you should consider before taking Claritox Pro. Is Claritox right for you, and to evaluate if Claritox Pro aligns with your health needs. You should seek guidance with consulting with a healthcare professional.

Are the Ingredients in Claritox Pro safe?

The ingredients found in Claritox Pro are natural and they are – Zinc, Chromium, Alpha lipoic acid, Green Tea, Berberine, Resveratrol, Milk Thistle, Cayenne, Korean Ginseng, Banaba leaf extract.

There are ten powerful and beneficial ingredients in Claritox Pro that have been shown to have positive effects on various aspects of human health. However, it is very important that you consult a healthcare professional before starting Claritox Pro.

Here is a real user experiences and testimonial: The top Positive review stated that they worked great for them and how they experienced horrible vertigo but since taking them she has not had any episodes. ~ Jan Wyrick,

Scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of Claritox Pro ingredients

Making the Final Decision: Is Claritox Pro the Right Choice for You?


The Pros And Cons Of Using WordPress For Blogging

Maximizing Your Blog’s Potential with WordPress

Overview of WordPress as a content management system

Ease of use for beginners and non-technical bloggers

Accessibility of a plethora of themes and plugins to enhance functionality.

Strong community support and resources for troubleshooting

Search engine-friendly features that support SEO efforts

Understanding the Limitations of WordPress for Bloggers

Navigating potential security concerns with WordPress.

There is a need for regular updates and maintenance to keep your site running smoothly. Potential for plugin compatibility issues and the impact on site performance.

  • Cost considerations: Evaluating the expense of premium themes and plugins.

  • Customization limitations for advanced users without coding knowledge.

  • Be Original. Craft unique content that is based on your own research and experience.

  • Make your content Expert, Authoritative, and Trustworthy. This means providing accurate, well-researched information that is written clearly and concisely.

One of the best ways to get into Blogging is through a Marketing Affiliation. There are many Affiliation businesses out there.

But there is one that has a lot to offer: training for every step along the way and providing a great support team to help you succeed.

That business is called “Wealthy Affiliate” – If Blogging is really what you want to do, then check the banner below.

I promise you will not be sorry on this one.                 

Personal Money Management

Personal Money Management involves the whole idea of managing individual and family finances, taking responsibility for your current and future financial situation, and setting financial goals.

Including the handling of individual financial tasks and being able to save for emergencies not getting control of your personal finances can leave you unprotected when a crisis comes along,

whether it’s an illness, an unexpected job loss, or the death of the family breadwinner.

As a reminder the Pandemic which began in March 2020 had showed these issues in sharp relief and showed the importance of planning for Emergencies.

Many fortunes have been lost by literally one dollar at a time and at first it may not seem like such a big deal but when you pick up we’ll say that double-mocha cappuccino.

Maybe having dinner out or order a pay-per-view movie note that every little item adds up. Just $75 per week spent on dining out costs you nearly $4,000 per year, which could go toward an extra credit card or auto payment or several extra payments.

If you are enduring a financial hardship, avoiding mistakes really matters and if you’re only a few dollars away from a foreclosure or bankruptcy, every dollar will count more than ever.

  • Never-Ending Payments:

Things like cable television, music services, high-end gym memberships etc.; Services that make you steadily pay while leaving you owning nothing.

So, ask yourself, do we really need these kinds of items that keep you paying every month and year after year?

There are times where money can become really tight and some adjustments to your lifestyle will be necessary. By creating a leaner lifestyle can be very helpful to aid you in creating a cushion for yourself.

It can also help in being able to save more of your money and help prevent you from falling into a financial hardship situation.

  •  Living on Borrowed Money:

Using credit cards to purchase essentials has become a somewhat commonplace even More so in today’s world.

But there are still an ever amount of increasing consumers that are willing to pay the double-digit interest rates on things like gasoline, groceries,

and a host of other items that are gone long before the bill is paid in full, doing this is not wise financial advice.

Credit card interest rates make the price of the charged items a bigger deal and more expensive and in some cases, using credit to buy things can also mean that you will spend more than you earn.

  • Buying a New Car:

There are millions of new cars sold each year, but there are only a few buyers that can afford to pay for them in cash. However, the inability to pay cash for a new car can also mean an inability to afford the car.

After all, being able to afford the payment is not the same as being able to afford the car. And by borrowing money to buy the car, the consumer then pays the interest on what is a depreciating asset, which definitely amplifies the difference between the value of the car and the price paid for it.

And the worse thing yet is that many people trade-in their cars every two or three years and lose money on every trade.

Also, there times where a person has no choice but to have to take out a loan to buy a car, it is important buy thing within reason such as: How many consumers really need a large SUV?

Large SUV vehicles are expensive to buy, Insure and fuel. Unless you tow a boat or trailer or need an SUV to earn a living, it may be not in your best interest to purchase one.

If you need to buy a car and/or borrow money to do so, consider buying one that uses less gas and costs less to insure and maintain.

Cars in general are expensive, and if you’re buying more of a car than you need, you might be burning through money that could have been saved or used to pay off debt.

  • Spending Too Much on Your House:

When it comes to buying a house, bigger is not necessarily better. Unless you have a large family, choosing a 6,000-square-foot home will only mean more expensive taxes, maintenance, and utilities. Do you really want to put such a significant long-term dent in your monthly budget?

  • Using Home Equity Like a Piggy Bank:

Refinancing and taking cash out of your home means giving away ownership to someone else. In some cases, refinancing might make sense If you can lower your rate or if you can refinance and pay off higher-interest debt.

In addition to this, another alternative would be to open a home equity line of credit (HELOC). This allows you to effectively use the equity in your home like a credit card.

This could mean paying unnecessary interest to use your home equity line of credit.

  • Living Paycheck to Paycheck:

In June 2021, the U.S. household personal savings rate was 9.4% today it is now 3.50%.

Many households now live from paycheck to paycheck, and an unforeseen problem can easily become a disaster if you are unprepared.

The cumulative result of overspending puts people into a precarious position one in which they need every dime they earn and one missed paycheck would be disastrous.

This is not the position you want to find yourself in especially when an economic recession hits. If this should happen, you will have very few options available to you.

Many financial planners will tell you to keep at least three months’ worth of expenses in an account where you can access it quickly.

Loss of employment or changes in the economy can drain your savings and place you in a cycle of debt continually paying for a debt.

A saved three-month buffer can make the difference between keeping or losing your house.

  • Not Investing in Retirement:

If you do not have your money working for you in the markets or through other income-producing investments, you may never be able to stop working.

Making monthly contributions to designated retirement accounts is essential for a comfortable retirement.

It is important to take advantage of tax-deferred retirement accounts and/or your employer-sponsored plan.

Understanding the time your investments will have to grow and how much risk you can tolerate,

it would be wise to consult a qualified financial advisor to match this with your goals if possible.

  • Paying Off Debt with Savings:

You may be thinking that if your debt is costing 19% and your retirement account is making 7%,

swapping the retirement for the debt means you will be pocketing the difference. But it’s not that simple.

In addition to losing the power of compounding, it’s very hard to pay back those retirement funds, and you could be hit with hefty fees.

With the right mindset, borrowing from your retirement account can be a viable option.

But even the most disciplined planners financially have a tough time putting money aside to rebuild these accounts.

When the debt gets paid off, the urgency to pay it back usually goes away. It will be very tempting to continue spending at the same pace, which means you could go back into debt again.

If you are going to pay off debt with savings, you have to live like you still have a debt to pay to your retirement fund.

  • Not Having a Plan:

Your financial future depends on what is going on right now. People spend countless hours watching TV or scrolling through their social media feeds,

but setting aside two hours a week for their finances is out of the question. You need to know in what direction you are going and make spending some time planning your finances

a priority to steer yourself away from the dangers of overspending, and monitoring the little expenses that add up quickly.

After that, then you can move on to monitoring the big expenses. Think carefully before adding new debts to your list of payments,

and keep in mind that being able to make a payment isn’t the same as being able to afford the purchase.

Finally, make saving a portion of what you earn a monthly priority, along with spending time developing a sound financial plan.

  • Monitor the Markets:

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Make Money By Blogging

How To Do a Blog that Will Earn Money

Get your website with hosting and post it on social media to promote traffic to your site. 

Posting your website in as many places as possible to make you visible to the public will help in promoting traffic to your site.

The more traffic coming to your site, the more money you can earn.

Find a niche or a subject of special interest to you and research as much as you can about that particular subject. 

Utilize social media and search engines to promote your blog. 

There are numerous ways to make money from your blog such as:

 Affiliate marketing, ads, physical or digital products available, subscriptions, and coaching.

When initiating a Blog it should be of Interest to whoever is reading it.

In Addition to this, a blog can be targeted at a certain group of people such as Millennials who might have a special interest

in Finances, Investing, or to better handle money in different situations.

Blogging about expressing some good advice for the millennials would be for example:

To Invest as early in life as possible, even if it means Investing smaller amounts of money over long periods can at times be a better strategy

rather than investing in a larger sum later due to getting compounded interest.

If you are employed and your employer offers a 401(k) it would be wise to invest in that especially if there are matching funds.

Other Options are investing in an IRA or Roth account in whatever fits your needs and budget.

Or a savings account that has a High-Interest rate is a good way to optimize your money.

 On the other hand, just having money in either a no or low-interest savings account can be just a waste of your efforts

where your money is just sitting there doing absolutely nothing.

Make your money work for you!!!! Imagine this:

Let’s say you have $5,000 in a savings account that earns 0% interest. In a year, your $3,000 will still be… $3,000.

Let’s say you instead put that $3,000 into an American Express Personal Savings account that–as of this writing–earns 1.30% in interest.

In one year, your $3,000 will have increased to $3,045. That means you earned roughly $45.00

just by having your money in a high-interest account.

And really, you didn’t have to do anything!!! Anyone should be a fan of that.

You want to be the person who earns money while you sleep. 

Some ways of saving money are and if possible, price checks of everything you purchase online.

For instance, Amazon is a way to purchase all kinds of items. and encourage you to price-check

everything you buy, going between Amazon and Walmart or any other online store you choose.

With this habit of price checking, you will end up with a better deal saving you some money.

Finance bloggers share insight to help you get better prepared when it comes to money from saving money to managing debt including

investment strategies and good financial habits providing you with an inspiration to help reach your financial goals.

Personal finance blogs are a great way to stay informed about the latest news and trends in the world of finance.

They provide readers with valuable insights into personal finance, investing, budgeting, retirement planning, and more.

 But the bottom line here is to save whatever you can regularly, even if it is only ten dollars a week depending on your financial situation.  

Whatever you cover in your blog there will be certain types of people somewhere that will take an interest in what you wrote about.

There are several websites that provide discounted merchandise and many of them also have an Affiliate program that you can join and receive cash earnings.

Here is one that I receive cash rewards on is called “TEMU” 

But that is one of many, with that the rewards will vary with the company.

Turning Your Passion Into Profit: The Blogging Journey

  • Understanding the fundamentals of successful blogging

  • Finding your niche: Tips for selecting topics that resonate and attract

  • Content is king: Crafting quality posts that engage and retain audiences

  • SEO basics for bloggers: Keywords, meta descriptions, and content structure

  • Networking and community building: Engaging with readers and fellow bloggers

A good Blogging page should have these Monetization Strategies such as:

  • Exploring revenue streams: Ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content

  • Diving into digital products: eBooks, courses, and exclusive content

  • Offering services: How to leverage your expertise to generate income

  • Building an email list: The key to sustaining long-term revenue

  • Staying authentic: Balancing monetization with a reader-first approach

    Survivalist Prepper

    “Survivalist Prepper”

    Survivalist Prepper requires extensive learning through various resources such as reading books.

    There are books on Survivalist Prepper for every scenario from making it through apocalyptic doom to learning how to make questionable water safe to drink.

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    Should we learn these skills and why is it Important?

    Survivalist skills are techniques that a person may use to sustain life

    In any natural environment or built environment.

    Building a shelter in the woods

    Building a shelter in the woods

    Fire, Food, and Urban survival are Important survival items:

    Survivalist guides are meant to provide necessities for the sustenance of human life, such as water, food, and shelter.

    See the below link for building a survival garden.

    “Building a Survivalist Garden”

    First and foremost try Planting vegetables that you like to eat especially easy-to-grow veggies such as:

    Peas, Bush beans, Carrots, and Potatoes.

    Furthermore, try to use open-pollinated seeds like heirloom seeds because they will continue to produce.

    And as time goes by you will get more familiar with gardening.

    Consider which crops will give you calories for the space and will store good. Practice growing Calorie rich crops

    These include Potatoes Winter squash Corn Beans Sunflower seeds.

    Survivalist Garden How To: Tips for Designing a Survivalist Garden.

    Read more at Gardening Know How.

    In addition to raising our children on the values of right and wrong,

    we also need to consider incorporating basic survival skills in their upbringing which in turn teaches them.

    Learning to be a survivalist will provide the necessities for the sustenance of human life, such as water, food, shelter, and so on.

    Survivalist picking fruit from her garden
    Prepare a Survival Garden

    These are various signs and symbols to help Homeless people know is what is available in different areas.
    These are various signs and symbols to help Homeless people know what is available in different areas.

    Various Books available on Survival Techniques:

    There are books available for beginner campers and offer “how-to’s that include advice on how to protect food from wild animals, construct a shelter, and how make a fire.

    There are mid-level survival books that are more for the hardy, experienced survivalist. These books include chapters on finding food and fresh water in a wild habitat.

    For the doomsday preppers, some books advise on what would be needed in the event of an apocalypse.

    Dystopian survivors read about how to store non-perishable food for long periods, how to construct some sort of bunker, and what items are considered essential for survival.

    When in a survival situation it’s important to keep a positive mindset. Be sure you’re able to stay calm and think things through panicking is one of the worst things you can do.

    There is an Author named – Ron Foster

    who has many books available. Each book focuses on different scenarios linked to various survival situations.

    For example, say you are planning to go on a camping trip and you need to know what kinds of plants are edible and what kinds of plants you need to avoid.

    You would probably need some short-term tips from a type of survival book, or one specifically designed for camping.

    A medium-level book could include more difficult tactics, such as constructing a shelter without a tent or with premade materials, or how to disinfect water so it’s drinkable.

    Survivalist Prepper

    Some books are for a hobby survivalist, who might go on a wilderness survival trip for fun.

    Nevertheless, is used to educate yourself on how to survive in the wild if you are ever stranded or lost somewhere.

    The highest level of survival would encompass long-term survival and would be after a major natural disaster, say after an apocalyptic event, or to be self-reliant for any number of reasons.

    These typically have in-depth information on how to survive long-term and what tools and supplies you need to do so. Chapters should include how to live sustainably and how to live “off-grid.”

    Of course, there’s a plethora of survival books out there. From surviving the in-laws to surviving a relationship,

    a narrowed down list to just those that are for true survivalists and adventurers.

    The available survivalist books contain the most relevant tips and advice and they are written by some reliable and credible sources.

    These books undoubtedly cover quite an extensive range of topics. So If you’re searching for a specific survival tactic there are great choices.

    The Prepper’s Water Survivalist Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource will tell you all that needs to be known about how to gather, disinfect, and store water in survival situations.

    Survival Medicine & First Aid: The Leading Prepper’s Guide to Survive Medical Emergencies in Tough Survival Situations focuses on medicine and first aid in a survival event. Each offers beneficial information on a narrow topic.

    Why read a survivalist book at all?
    Some may scoff at the chance of an apocalypse or a monsoon of a natural disaster, and neither one may ever happen.

    But becoming lost while driving or traveling, or being stranded by a broken down car, are much more common scenarios.

    Reading a survivalist book allows you to prepare for the unknown and the improbable. How does that saying go? “It’s better to be safe than sorry”.

    Reading a Survivalist Prepper book can give you confidence in a worst-case scenario.


    Please leave me your comments below,

    Thank You.

    Exipure Weight Loss

    Exipure Weight Loss

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    Exipure Weight Loss:

    Understanding Fat Storage and Weight Loss the body’s fat storage mechanism

    Exipure Is a blend of Healthy Ingredients that target fat tissue for weight loss, Exipure actually works differently by tweaking the fat cells in your body which helps you shed extra weight faster.

    Lots of people spend many trips to the Gym while going through Diet Plans and Therapies and they end up working harder and harder in the Gym and sometimes even starving themselves.

    And furthermore, they still are not showing any significant results and not to mention spending tons of money in the process.

    Staying fit is an important topic today for lots of reasons and Exipure helps you get there. People who stay fit also have more energy and vitality throughout the day.

    You will get self-confidence and a feeling of an aura that helps you stand apart from the rest of the crowd.

    The drugstores have many various weight loss formulas made into pills, shakes, smoothies, and every possible product you can think of then you wonder at looking at them do all or any of these products work like they claim they do?

    The makers Exipure Fat Burner claim that ingredients like ginseng, Kudzu, and holy basil can boost brown fat levels in your body which burns fat easily for anyone.

    In a whole new approach this formula is based on multiple scientific studies that concluded low brown adipose tissue (BAT) levels as a common factor behind every overweight man and woman.

    Exercise and building muscle is recommended to boost brown adipose tissue, you can boost your body’s BAT levels by burning fat and revealing your BAT underneath.

    Exipure: A Revolutionary Weight Loss Formula Exipure is a weight loss pill supporting a healthy weight loss approach and is all about burning fat and losing weight.

    Benefits of Using Exipure for Weight Loss:

    First, having the right body mass-to-height ratio can ensures good health. So, you’ll steer clear of several problems that take advantage of extra weight.

    Enhanced energy and vitality boosting self-confidence and aura and another thing, you will spend less time thinking about your weight loss goals, which in turn makes you a lot more productive at work.

    If you explore the reviews on “Exipure” they will explain everything you need to know about losing weight and removing lots of stubborn belly fat without having to starve yourself.

    But like all similar products consult with a physician first before taking and be sure to research the reviews and comments before trying.

    Exipure Weight Loss
    Exipure Weight Loss

    Starting a Wine Business

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    How to start a Wine Business.

    The first thing to do is figure out whether you are going to have an LLC or a DBA business and the difference of each of them.

    The Best Wine Clubs for Monthly Wine Delivery:

     Wine clubs have become more popular now especially because of the Coronavirus, with that a choice selection of your favorite wines can be delivered right to your door every week or month this way you will be guaranteed to have enough of your favorite Wine to weather out the COVID-19 storm.

    Belle & Bottle:

    Belle & Bottle  – Is a Washington state based winery which offers great club options that run from monthly to quarterly shipments for a price of – $50 to $60.

    The “30 Club” consists of two West Coast bottles each month. The “Bubbles Club” includes a quarterly shipment of one Champagne and two other sparkling wines for a price of $90 – $100 each time.

    Check out their web site for the full listing of options. The option of buying them individually also is an option which is quite nice. “Bounty Hunter“, which is based in Napa, illustrates on their website what you can expect on their monthly or quarterly mailings:

    They indicate on their website that they would prefer the bold, fruit-driven, and pure wines which they know pleases many. As a rule, you will never receive in your shipment, any lean, funky, oxidized or austere wines, the Killer Cabernet Club allows you to get in for $199.

    The Most Wanted “Sixer” usually runs at a price of $599, which includes the best of the best, wines from Napa to Bordeaux to Tuscany and includes six bottles of the bold, fruit-driven, and primarily domestic Wine Clubs placed at the top of the pyramid for quality.






    Cellar 503 – Oregon based Wine, offers diferent shapes for different months.

    Their Themes change for the month, for instance say September 2019 f had focused on some unusual varieties, of grapes including: Blaufrankisch, Chasselas, and more.

    For October the focus was on a cross-section of some wine making vessels such as:

    Amphorae and Concrete with some superb producers are that have standout names like:  Keeler, Anne Amie, Maysara, and even more.

    The Best Wine Clubs

    “Somm Select” – (Founded by Master Sommelier) and Ian Cauble, which is one of the stars of the Somm films. “Somm Select” offers two options: (Drink Like a Somm), which includes (4) bottles each month for a price of $99 plus shipping and also “The Somm” (6) for a price of $199 plus shipping and for half a dozen bottles that range from drink-them-now reds and whites to more age-worthy ones.

    Another beneficial option is there is bind-tasting in which the wines will come wrapped and are numbered. They come with a tasting notebook and guidelines on “How to Blind-Taste” like a pro.

    Viticole –  (Founded by Master Sommelier) and Brian McClintic, which is one of the other stars of the Somm series of films. Viticole offers custom-crafted bottlings in which he has made with various organic winemakers all around the world.

    For $105 a month you will get the Viticole Wine Clubs (24 bottles annually, which are broken down into two shipments of a case each) and for $210V a month, that buys the Viticole Wine Club 2.0 which are two annual shipments of two cases each for (48) bottles in total).

    There are also some special offers that show up occasionally that may be purchased right away. Once you sign up, Viticole estimates a two to four month waiting period before you’re all setup to be a member.

    Taylor Family Vineyards –  Which is a Naper Valley producer:

    Offers many options going from “The Traditional Club” and that includes four reds which are sent three times a year, to “The Silver Lining Club”,which is shipped once a year and that includes a case of their top Cabs as well.  But you are also looking a  years wait for membership approval.

    Tasting Room:

    Tasting Room – is one of the most fully customizable wine clubs around. Before you sign up, answer a handful of questions on their website (Do you prefer milk or dark chocolate, or neither?

    Do you drink coffee with sugar, cream, or black? Which fruits do you like most?). Their algorithm will then create a “wine tasting kit” of six mini-bottles for as low as $9.95 that you taste and report back on.

    Full-size wines will then be sent out at a frequency of your choosing, and your ongoing assessment of the wines will work to ensure that the selections are fine-tuned to suit your tastes.

    These are things you probably should know:

    For Instance, the term “CORKED” does not really mean that small pieces of cork had got into your glass of wine. It actually refers to a chemical reaction between the cork and the wine that can spoil the flavor of the wine.

    A tip from the Experts:

    • Serving wine at “room temperature” is often misunderstood.

    • For red wine, you should serve the wine at around 65°F, and NOT 80°F.

    • And How many Calories are in a glass of Red Wine?

    Well, that depends on the brand and type of red wine, but about an average  of 125 calories per (5) ounces of wine usually.

    When you are shopping for a good wine club, you also need to remember that the pricing can vary as the quality of the wine provided. Such as: Organic wines usually attract a premium rate, and it’s not unusual to see organic wine to go over $25 per bottle.

    Full cases can represent excellent value, but you’ll most likely pay $15 or more per bottle. Fortunately, the choice is yours. And with a subscription to wine clubs, it’s usually possible you can skip a month in the unlikely event that nothing they’re offering appeals to you.

    Controlling Diabetes

    There are also recommended wines for cooking:


    Diabetes Disease – The types and Causes


    What is Diabetes about?

    The active oxygene species in Diabetes, Type I Diabetes is caused by the destruction of the pancreatic beta cells responsible for producing insulin in humans.

    The diabetogenic process appears to be caused by Immune destruction of the Beta cells:

    Part of this process is mediated by white cell production of active oxygen species.

    Diabetes can be produced in animals by the drugs alloxan and streptozotocin;

    the action mechanisms of these two drugs though different both result in the production of active oxygen species.

    Scavengers of oxygen radicals are effective in preventing diabetes in these animal models.

    Not only are oxygen radicals involved in the cause of diabetes,

    they also appear to play a role in some of the complications

    seen in long-term treatment of diabetes. Changes in antioxidants in the diabetic state and their consequences are discussed.

    Types of Diabetes:

    There are 4 types of Diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, Pre-Diabetes, and Gestational.

    Type 1 – Diabetes does not produce any Insulin. Insulin is injected using a Syringe, Pen, or Pump.

    Sometimes several times a day while monitoring their blood sugar levels.

    Insulin Injections counteract the increase of Carbohydrates which in turn increases the blood glucose in the bloodstream,

    insulin is required to breakdown the Glucose to enter the blood cells.

    Type 1 – Diabetes Symptoms can be:

        • Urinating frequently

        • Increased thirst

        • Wetting the bed for people who usually don’t

        • Unintended loss of weight

        • Fatigue and weakness

        • Blurred vision

    Type 2 – Diabetes:

    is the most common type and has mostly been diagnosed by age 45.

    People with Type 2 can usually produce Insulin but it does not get used efficiently.

    Sometimes it can be controlled by Diet and Exercise but not always.

    Here are the usual symptoms related to Type 2 Diabetes:

        • Urinating frequently

        • Increased thirst

        • Unintended loss of weight

        • Fatigue

        • Blurred vision

        • Frequent infections

        • Areas of darkened skin

    With Type 2 Diabetes it is sometimes necessary to take medications to control blood glucose levels and frequently monitor it with a blood Testing kit as shown similarly below:

    Blood Testing kit
    Self Monitoring Blood Sugar

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    Pre-diabetes is where blood glucose levels are high but not high enough and diagnosed as type 2 Diabetes.

    Proper Dieting along with weight loss, some lifestyle changes and also, may include medicine to control blood glucose levels and to prevent a type 2 diagnosis.

    Gestational Diabetes:

    Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that usually develops during pregnancy.

    Similar to the other forms of diabetes, gestational diabetes can affect how the body actually uses sugar (glucose) and causes an increase in blood sugar.

    This form of diabetes can also affect both the pregnancy and also the health of the baby.

    Certain hormones are formed within the placenta that can help with the fetus’s development

    and will block the insulin that can be formed in the mother’s body but this restricts the amount of insulin the mother receives.

    Too much blood glucose from the mother is then given to the fetus, and causes the fetus’s blood glucose levels tend to increase.

    So, in this case, the excess blood glucose is then stored as fat and causes health issues for the fetus.

    Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising before becoming pregnant will also help prevent Gestational Diabetes.

    An Estimated 90% of Gestational Diabetes cases can then return to normal health once the baby is born.

    Abstract …..

    1. Can people with diabetes drink alcohol safely, and if so, what are the guidelines for doing so?

    2. What are the specific symptoms and treatment options for        pre-diabetes?

    3. How does gestational diabetes affect the health of the baby what are the preventive measures for this condition?

    Specific questions range from whether certain drinks are “blood sugar friendly” to carb counting for alcohol, and the effect on blood glucose levels hours later.

    The type of alcohol being consumed — wine, beer, mixed drinks, or hard liquor — certainly plays a part in the answers.

    Not surprisingly, curiosity seems to pique over the winter holidays, around St. Patrick’s Day in March, and during Alcohol Awareness Month in April each year.

    And with the global pandemic boosting alcohol sales significantly, it seems many have had “drinking and diabetes” on the minds much more than ever before.

    It’s a universal topic that remains share-worthy at any point.

    Lower-carb  Drinks and Brews:

    Yes, these brews do exist

    The lowest-carb beer on the market is Marston’s Resolution, at 85 calories and 1.65 grams of carb per bottle.

    According to surveys, “It tastes very refreshing and the double fermentation process makes its carb load almost undetectable.”

    This is a UK beer and is hard to find in the United States, it can be purchased online and shipped to the U.S. for a premium fee.

        • Michelob Ultra, at 95 calories and with 2.6 grams of carb per bottle, is found regularly at American bars. “It doesn’t boast a lot of flavor, much like its counterpart, Natural Light (95 calories, 3.2 carbs). But if you’re looking for options without the high carb load, it’ll do.”

        • A bottle of Amstel Light has 95 calories, 5 carbs.

        • Heineken Premium Light has 99 calories, 7 carbs. These are popular beers and are common in American bars.

        • More “light” options include Corona Light (109 calories, 5 carbs); Bud Light (110 calories, 6.6 carbs); or Sam Adams Light (119 calories, 9.7 carbs).

        • “All three are readily available in most markets and are mellower on your blood sugars than your average high-carb beer.”

        • And if you’re living with diabetes and celiac disease, there are a few gluten-free beers on the market that might work for you: Omission Lager comes in at 140 calories and 11 carbs and is touted as a beer that “pleases all palates, including those of average beer drinkers and craft connoisseurs.”

        • A pint of gluten-free Magner’s Irish Cider is another option, with 125 calories and 9 carbs. This import is now available for purchase at Beverages & More, and through Instacart in the U.S

        • To help you stay on top of diabetes, we’ll send you actionable tips on eating wisely, news on research breakthroughs, and more. the Question Again:

    Can you drink wine with diabetes?

    There are some important things you should know:

        • On the average, wine contains 120 calories and 5g of carbs per glass.

        • Dry white has the least sugar, reds come in a bit higher, and dessert wines are sugary, “just like they sound,” according to Mary Ellen Phipps, a registered dietitian nutritionist who lives with T1D herself.

        • Lower alcohol wines often have more sugar for taste reasons, and you’re best off looking for a varietal with 12.5 percent to 16 percent alcohol to avoid added sugars.

        • This is according to referenced winemaker: Keith Wallace founder of the Wine School of Philadelphia.

        • Location matters: Italian and French wines traditionally have less residual sugar, whereas wines from Oregon, for example, have more sugar added.

        • Don’t drink wine on an empty stomach, have fast-acting glucose on hand, and let at least one person in your party know about your diabetes and how to help in case of hypoglycemia.

    “Wine is good, in so many ways,” Wallace told Diabetes Mine.

    “PWDs” have so much stress and wine is a great stress reducer done right, it’s excellent.

    Diabetes and Alcoholic Beverages
    Diabetes and Wine

    Wine contains amounts of Resveratrol which has shown some beneficial effects on insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, and glucose tolerance, but only in animal models.

    Its antioxidant and cardioprotective effects in humans are more well-known in previous trials of resveratrol by certain companies such as:

    Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline, which have focused on the supplement’s anti-aging abilities, have not had promising results.

    But like any other type of Alcoholic beverage, it should be controlled in moderation and precautions.

    There is plenty of additional information to go with this subject, this is just a summary.


    Glucofort has emerged as one of the most effective blood sugar regulation products available today.

    This unique formula works naturally to support efficient glucose metabolism and healthy blood sugar in your body.

    This supplement also promises to enhance your energy, vitality, and overall blood health.

    Glucofort supports better heart health and may even help you reduce your likelihood of developing various cardiovascular-related conditions.

    Long-term intake of this supplement also has the potential to treat diabetes and ease most of the symptoms that come with type 2 diabetes.

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    Glucofort for Controlling Blood Sugar






    Does Glucofort work?

    These Glucofort pills are quite powerful and can work on their own without requiring that users make any drastic lifestyle changes.

    So there is no need to undergo highly intensive workouts or follow any strict nutrition plan to experience any positive benefits with this supplement.

    But you should consistently consume these Glucofort capsules to receive all the blood sugar-stabilizing benefits.

    Glucofort also supports healthier weight loss as one of the effects

    of reducing blood sugar.

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    Gaining weight and having more fat stored in your body are real for high blood sugar.

    Since Glucofort stabilizes your blood sugar, it means you will have a better chance of losing weight.

    Glucofort Ingredients

    It is vital to check what ingredients are used in any supplement, especially if you have any allergies.

    But understanding what ingredients a dietary supplement uses can help shed light on the benefits to expect from consuming that product.

    Glucofort is made using the best quality, local, and foreign natural ingredients it uses an effective mix of minerals, vitamins, and a customized blend.

    The proprietary blend in Glucofort contains several ingredients like:

    licorice root, bitter melon, juniper berry, cayenne fruit, cinnamon bark, guggul resin, mulberry leaf, and other natural ingredients.

    All these ingredients along with the primary ingredients contribute to lowering your blood sugar levels.

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    Another new product just came into view called “Sugar Defender

    Noted for destroying Zombie cells which are damaged cells that refuse to die.

    Sugar Defender also reactivates Insulin production thereby lowering blood sugar levels.

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    Healthy Organifi Green Juice and its Benefits

    Healthy Organifi Green Juice


    Drinking Healthy Organifi Green Juice once daily is one of the absolute BEST things you can do for your weight loss and wellness goals.
    Healthy Organifi Green Juice

    Here is why you should drink Green juice:

    In particular, Organifi Green Juice which offers many health benefits which can include improved digestion, weight loss,

    and can actually reduce inflammation and additionally boost the immunity system.

    Green Juice actually drenches your body with plant nutrients and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll (aka liquid sunshine) increases the red blood cell production and helps enhance your cells’ ability to carry oxygen.

    In recent years juicing has gained widespread popularity among the health-conscious people who are looking for fast and easy way to boost their intake of required nutrients.

    But, for people who are new to juicing on the other hand may find it difficult to determine which vegetables to choose.

    How Do you Make Healthy Organifi Green Juice:

    Making Healthy Organifi green juice at home, there are many good blenders you can use such as this blender which is real good for the money.

    First, clean and cut your veggies and apples then cut the veggies to a size that will fit in a feeder where you add the veggies.

    Here are the 12 best vegetables to juice to improve your overall health:

    1. Kale

    2. Carrots

    3. Beets

    4. Cabbage

    5. Spinach

    6. Broccoli

    7. Parsely

    8. Cucumbers

    9. Swiss Chard

    10. Wheatgrass

    11. Celery

    12. Tomato

    Organifi Green Juice







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    As a matter of fact, Green juice provides your body with a highly concentrated blast of powerful, instantly absorbable nutrition that can have transformative effects from the inside out…

    Healthy Glowing Skin:

    One of the benefits of drinking green juice daily is it is rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E.

    These antioxidants help to rid your skin of the junk which may lead to acne. Vitamin A, on the other hand, is crucial for cell growth and regeneration.

    In addition, green juices are highly hydrating, and adequate hydration is an essential component in skincare.

    How about Improved Energy:

    When you eat (or drink) better, you certainly feel better. One serving of Healthy Organifi Green juice provides an extremely rich dose of essential nutrients that your body needs every day.

    You will have more energy all day long while taking it in just a few days of drinking Healthy Organifi green juice first thing in the morning.

    You may even be able to eliminate that afternoon cup of coffee without a problem to curb cravings and feel more satisfied throughout the day and less interested in snacking on junk food.

    Although a healthy snack occasionally, like having a handful of nuts or a little avocado with a sprinkle of za’atar, is no problem.

    Giving your body the nutrition that it needs to convert your food to energy allws you to shake that sluggish feeling without reaching for caffeinated beverages.

    Weight Loss:

    Another benefit of drinking green juice daily is how it can assist people in losing weight by being a substitute for typical snacks, breakfast, or lunch.

    This is also a great way to keep up your results after your juice cleanse is complete its an awesome way to lose weight and fortify your immune system and refresh for changing of seasons.

    Here are 5 more ways to ramp up your spring purification rituals

    1.  Start the day with warm lemon water.
    Each morning, drink a glass of warm lemon water. This practice balances the body’s internal pH, promotes stronger immunity,

    and can improve digestive health, and supports the body’s natural detoxification processes.

    2.  But first, Celery Juice!!!

    Even before you drink your warm lemon water, have some fresh Celery Juice.

    Celery is a trend now and has been getting a LOT of attention lately.

    As a matter of fact, people are raving that this simple tonic is totally banishing their bloat and boosting their energy much less making their skin glow and much more.

    Celery juice also provides immune-supporting vitamins A and C, antioxidants with an abundance of essential minerals.

    3. Get upside-down!!!!

     A well-circulated lymphatic system is critical to maintaining good health. Comprised of a network of organs and tissues,

    the lymphatic system works to remove toxins by transporting lymph fluid throughout the body, collecting toxic waste.

    It’s Imperative to keep your lymphatic system well-circulated. One of the best ways to circulate lymph fluid is to invert yourself

    upside-down in other words, to pose with your pelvis and feet above your heart.

    If you are able to do a handstand or headstand, then try to make it a frequent practice. If balance and upper body strength aren’t your thing, then try doing supported shoulder stands instead.

    4. Spice up your life

    Spices and herbs do so much more than flavor your food. They are particularly rich sources of antioxidants, with high concentrations of anti-inflammatory compounds.

    Here are just a few of the most powerful spices and herbs to make a part of your next meal:

     Turmeric:  The most effective anti-inflammatory food! Pair turmeric with black pepper and increase curcumin absorption by an incredible                      2,000 percent.

    Cinnamon: A very rich source of antioxidant polyphenols. Polyphenols protect the body’s tissues against oxidative stress.

    Cilantro:     Binds to and eliminates heavy metals from the body.

    Ginger:       Provides a boost to the circulatory system which also helps support healthy immune function.

    5. Drink Healthy Green Juice daily.

    Leafy green vegetables are the optimal food for supporting the health of the human body and are some of the absolute best sources of the vitamins and minerals that your body requires.

    The darker green a vegetable, the more antioxidant pigments it contains. When you consume leafy greens like: Spinach and Kale

    and in their liquid form, you reap the benefits much more quickly due to the amount of nutrition being instantly absorbed into your

    body without the delay of digestion, providing a quick surge of natural energy!

    There are many different Recipes for Juicing you need to check out.


    Green Juicing Recipe Book
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    Extreme Beauty Makeup Products and Personal Care

    Shop FARMASI Beauty products
    FARMASI Plant Layout





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    Extreme beauty makeup products

    Like the one company mentioned below.

    Farmasi – is basically an International Manufacturer originally founded by Dr. C. Tuna,

    started up his first business in Istanbul, Turkey and as a doctor, the founder was anxious to want to help other people.

    Dr. Tuna’s first company was a pharmaceutical manufacturing company.

    Farmasi Makeup and Beauty Care has developed into one of the largest Cosmetic Manufacturing company in the world.

    The cosmetics provides both Retailing and Direct selling of products for Personal Care,

    and for Beauty and Household accessories located in Istanbul, Turkey.

    All the ingredients needed for their products are all easily accessible around the facility which is surrounded by a beautiful green environment.

    Even the waters come from wells at the plant used to formulate many products.

    All Makeup products are Non-Toxic and Organic products are also available.

      Farmasi Beauty Makeup Products

    This great company is considered an integrated manufacturing plant and that means that they are not only just producing bulk products,

    but they also produce most of their own packaging in-house, and they obtain their terrific waters from the wells which are located at their own facility.

    They have formulated literally thousands of products and launched over 2.000 products and has shipped their products to more than 125 countries all around the world.


    Also, to add even more to this, it is a record-breaking directMatte Liquid Lipstick selling company:

    Farmasi Beauty Makeup products
    Matte Liquid Lipstick

    This company was founded in 2010 in the country of Turkey and by achieving a triple digit growth for at least the last 7 years,

    it is now operating in 25 markets in the form of direct selling and has been experiencing some significant growth which is mostly achieved

    by the best of class compensation plan, wide product portfolio.

    The Company has amazing quality for the price paid in all of the countries that the operations were started in.

    Many products are offered associated with Skin care, Foot care, Hair care, Oral care, Nail care, Body care.

     Products are also available for Men. In addition many types of cleaning products are offered through this company like laundry cleaners,

    All-purpose cleaners, Bathroom cleaners and cleaning cloths.

    The other part of this and this optional is DIRECT selling:

    For those individuals that like the products so much they want to share their experiences with other people and can reap benefits such as:

    Monetary compensation along with many fringe benefits that go along with it. This can become a

    real business and be very profitable while you are using the products you were going to use anyway.


    FARMASI makeup and Beauty products

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